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 Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA

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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:48 pm


Ukupan izgled
izgled: barzoja odrdjen je pre svega, impozantnom gradjom, bogatom
dlakom, lepotom boja, proporcionalnoscu, elegancijom i harmonijom
kostura i kretanjem, sto njegovom eksterijeru podaruje ociglednu
Njegov karakter pokazuje se uopsteno kroz otmenu
smirenost i uzdrzanost kao i kroz sigurnost i neustrasivost. Kao pas za
hajke, on je brz i izdrzljiv. Uprkos eleganciji mozѕe da se nosi sa
opasnim protivnikom, tada postupa kao njegovi preci, snazni psi za
borbu koji su upotrebljavani kao lovacki psi. Kao lovacki pas barzoj se
iskazuje ostrim vidom, velikom brzinom, pre svega na kratkim
rastojanjima i ostrinom na grabljivice.
Presudni za ocenu su opsti
izgled i karakter. Opsti izgled koji je odlucujuci dokaz rasne
pripadnosti, treba pri ocenjivanju staviti nasuprot drugim tackama koje
su takodje bitne.
VeliДЌina: Visina grebena muЕѕjaka 75-85 cm i
vise.Visina se posebno ceni prednost imaju visi psi. Ali visina ne sme
da utice na opsti izgled psa, sve dok ne utice na opstu harmonicnost i
brzinu psa. Zenke su oko 5 cm nize.Nas Pasat Sofena je visok 85 cm Ines
je visoka 80cm a njihova mama Rozs je visoka 77cm. Greben je neznatno
visi ili je u istoj visini sa krsnom kosti.
Format: Blagi pravougaonik, odnosno duzina tela je za 1-2 cm i vise je veca od visine grebena. Cene se dugacki psi.
Tip: Veoma izrazen leptosomatski konstitucijski tip (duga lobanja, dugonog, uske, ravne ali duboke grudi).
Upotreba: Pas za hajke, posebno za lov zeceva, fazana i vukova. Danas se na Zapadu upotrebljavaju za trke.
oblik: Kako iz profila, tako je posmatrano i odozgo, glava uska, suva i
fino oblikovana i ka nosu se sasvim neznatno suzava. Njena duzina i
sirina treba da su proporcionalne i da priblizno odgovaraju duzini i
vitkosti nogu. Duzina njuske nesto je veca od duzine lobanje. Posebna
karakteristika je ceono nosni profil, koji usled toga sto nedostaje
stop, ima gotovo opruzen ugao, i cini brazdu u visini ravnih ceonih
kvrga (iznad ociju).
Lobanja: Ravna, unazad blago padajuca i uska usled malih jagodicnih lukova. Dobro izrazena potiljna kvrga.
Snazna, uska, duga i neznatne dubine. Blago uzdignut nosnik i ravna
ivica donje vilice cine krak jednog na unutra spicom otvorenog ugla.
Suve, tanke usne cvrsto prilecu i imaju crno pigmentisanu ivicu.
Relativno velika nosna pecurka prevazilazi rub sekutica, i bez obzira
na boju dlake crno je pigmentisana.
Zubalo: Pozeljno je potpuno,
dobro zatvarajuce snazno makazasto i kljestasto zubalo. Predgriz i
podgriz su velika greska. Zbog duzine njuske postoji veci razmak
izmedju zuba.
OДc: Velike, bademaste, po mogudjstvu tamnije
(kestenjasto braon). Smestene su relativno blizu jedno drugom i nesto
iza polovine duzine glave. Izraz im je blag ali zivahan. Ocni otvor je
blago kos, a ivica ocnih kapaka crno pigmentisana.
Usi: Visoko i
daleko unazad postavljene, relativno male, fine koze, uske i zavrsavaju
se spicom. U mirovanju su to ruzine usi pri cemu vrhovi leze neposredno
jedan pored drugog. U afektu su uspravljane pri cemu se vrhovi cesto
preklapaju unapred.
Vrat: Dug, dobro misicav, postrano ravan, gornja ivica blago zaobljena, bogato odlakan bez podgusnjaka.
Cine, narocito kod muzjaka jedan ravan luk, cija najvisa tacka lezi na
prelazu od grudi ka slabinama. Kod zenki se gornja kontura moze
produzavati ranije. Grudni i slabinski deo ledja su u odnosu 1:1. cela
ledja, posebno slabine, su relativno siroka i veoma misicava.
Greben: Nije naglasen.
Relativno duge i veoma duboke (dopiru do laktova) ali su proporcionalno
uske i ravne (mala zaobljenost rebara). Predgrudi su slabo naglasene.
Donji deo grudi cini na dole konveksan luk.
Stomak Veoma prikupljen i slabo razvijen.
Duge, siroke i jake, harmonicno padajuce u produzetku ledjnog luka.
Gornje ivice kostiju kuka moraju biti udaljene jedna od druge najmanje
za srinu sake (oko 8 cm), tacnije za 4 prsta.
Rep: Nisko usadjen,
sabljast ili srpast, snazan, bogato odlakan i dug koliko je moguce,
odnosno da podvucen izmedju zadnjih nogu dopire do gornje ivice kuka. U
mirovanju je viseci, u afektu uzdignuto nosen. Pri tome ne treba da
prelazi ledjnu liniju ako predje to je greska. Uvijen, postrano uvijen
ili visoko nosen rep su mana lepote.
Prednje noge: Duge, suvo
misicave, ravne, gledano od napred ili sa strane. Uglovi su relativno
strmi. Uglovi plecke i lakta veoma otvoreni. Previse strmi uglovi (tzv.
stubaste noge) su ipak mana. Svi delovi nogu, pre svega podlaktica,
iskazuju se izrazajnom duzinom. Duzina prednje noge (od lakta do
zemlje) priblizno odgovara polovini duzine visine grebena.
Duge, uske i ravne, napetih misica, dobro povezane sa telom. Gornji vrh
lopatica ne prevazilazi trnaste nastavke grudnih prsljena.
Duga, relativno strmo postavljena i suvo misicava. Vrh lakatne kvrge
treba da je unazad postavljen, niti odstojeci, a ni cvrsto priljubljen
uz telo.
Podlaktica: Narocito duga i stoji vertikalno. Od napred
uska, a sa strane, zbog suve muskulature, siroka. Zadnja strana sa
Е aplje: SnaЕѕno i samo blago povijeno.
DoЕЎaplje: Relativno kratko i ne treba da stoji potpuno vertikalno.
Sape: Paralelno postavljene, uske, ovalne osnove, lepo zaobljeni i zatvoreni prsti, kao i dobro pigmentisani nokti i jastucici.
noge: Takodje duge, ali znatno jace, misicave i manje strme od prednjih
nogu. Doduse zglob kuka, kolena i skocni zglob su takodje jako otvoreni
ali otvorenost uglova je manja nego na odgovarajucim uglovima prednjih
nogu. Posmatrano od pozadi noge su paralelne i ravne, ali sire
postavljene od prednjih. Posmatrano sa strane, postavljene su nesto
Butina: Duga, siroka i veoma jaka, ali suvih misica. Zadnja strana je bogato odlakana. Koleni zglob je dobro obelezen.
Potkolenica: Duga sa cvrstim misicima.
Skocni zglob: Nisko postavljen, snazan, sirok i suv. Posmatrano sa strane prednja ivica je blago konkavna.
Dosaplje: Kratko, duze od prednjeg, vertikalno.
Kretanje: U koraku i kasu elasticno i dugog iskoraka.
Duga, svilenkasta, talasasta ili loknasta. Narocito je bogata i gusta
ukrasna dlaka na vratu, na donjim delovima grudi, zadnjim stranama
prednjih nogu, zadnjim stranama butina i na repu. Kratka na glavi, na
usima, na prednjim stranama nogu. Kratka dlaka, veoma male loknice ili
kovrdzѕava dlaka(kao kod pulija) su mana.
Boja: Bela, zlatna u svim
nijansama, zlatna sa srebrnastom mahovinom, zlatna, tamni prelazi
drugih boja, crvena, crni tonovi kod tamne njuske i nogu, siva, od
pepeljasto sive do zuckasto sive, tigrasta: zlatna, crvena ili siva sa
razvucenim sivim prugama, crvena, crna i svi stepeni ovih boja. Palezne
oznake su dozvoljene ali nisu pozeljne. Kod tamno obojenih pasa tipicna
je crna maska kao i siroke tamne oznake na telu. Sve ove boje mogu biti
jednobojne ili polja na beloj podlozi. Kod jednobojnih pasa boja je
tamnija na gornjem delu, a svetlija na stomaku i zadnjim delovima nogu.
Opsti izgled, rast, konstitucijski tip: Previsok, predug, prenisko postavljen. Visina 5 cm. ispod predvidjenih normi.
Dlaka: Kratka, razbarusena, nedovoljno razvijene pantalone i rese. Ostra dlaka, gusta, po celom telu rasporedjena.
Glava: Vidljiv prelaz od cela ka njusci. Gruba, istaknute kosti obraza. Isuvise cpicasta njuska, svetao nos.
Usi: Nisko usadjene, predaleko jedno od drugog lezece, nedovoljno nalezuce na vrat. Velike, grube, zaobljeni vrhovi.
Oci: Male, okrugao otvor kapaka, svetle oci, svetli kapci.
Vrat: Okrugao, grub.
Grudi: Preuske, presiroke.
Ledja: Uska, ulegnuta, previse grbava. Velika greska su sedlasta ledja.
Sapi: Uske, lose postavljene.
Stomak: Slabo prikupljen, preterane duzine.
Prednje noge: Meka saplja, uski ili izvrnuti laktovi, izvrnute sape, nezgrapan hod. Teskoce kao posledica rahitisa.
Zadnje noge: Kravlji stav, sabljaste noge, slabo izrazen skocni zglob, previse otvoreni uglovi, debeli prsti.
Sape: Okrugle, mesnate, raskreceni prsti.
Rep: Kratak, zavijen, visoko nosen, postrano zavijen, nedovoljno razvijena zastavica.
Pojedini defekti ocenjuju se kao greske ili nedostaci zavisno od stepena izrazenosti.

Sve ovo uz slike je jako lepo objasnjeno na

Socijalizacij, karakter......

Borzoi zna biti agresivan,
pogotovo muzjaci, ako sa kao mali ne socijalizuje, ali samo prema psima
i drugim zivotinjama, nikad prema ljudima!Vrlo je vazna socijalizacija
sa drugim psima!!!

Barzoj je izuzetno miran pas, vrlo je tih
retko laje, laje samo kada neko udje na vas posed, na lavez drugih pasa
se ne obazire.Jako je privrzen vlasniku i ostalim clanovima porodice,
samo vlasnik uliva potpuno poverenje kod njega, suzdrzan je prema
strancima.Zeljan je neznosti koju visestruko uzvraca, energican je, ima
jak lovacki nagon!Zbog svoje emotivnosti i smirenosti sve vise se
primenjuju u terapijske svrhe kao podrska bolesnim i starim ljudima.Sa
decom su jako dobri, posebno ako rastu uz njih!Uzivaju u drustvu drugih
pasa i vole kada nisu jedini pas u kuci Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_biggrin Vole de plivaju da se brckaju!
Nisu ljubitelji macaka i akvarijumskih i neakvarijumskih glodara sem ako ne rastu uz njih.
To su inteligentni psi mogu nauciti razne vestine.
dresuri su poslusni samo ako se dresura zasniva na medjusobnom
postovanju bez ikakve agresivnosti dresera, onda postaju nervozni i
jakoooooo tvrdoglavi.Lakse i brze uce uz nagrade.Skoluju se za trke i
sve vise za agility.Barzoj moze ziveti u stanu ali samo ako mu se svaki
dan obezbede duge setnje sa puno istrcavanja, izuzetno cist pas bez
mirisa!Odlican je partner za jogging!
Barzoj je izuzetno zdrava
pasmina!!!Neophodna je jaka kvalitetna i dobro izbalansirana ishrana
tokom faze rasta, jako brzo rastu!!!! Zbog dubokih prsa moze imati
problema sa zelucem i zbog toga se preporucuju 2-3 manja obroka dnevno
nego jedan preobilan.Hrana se uvek daje posle setnje, trcanja, vezbanja!
Ne zehteva veliku negu!Cetka se jednom nedeljno!Kupanje se preporucuje u slucajevima samo kada je to neophodno.

A evo par video klipova o barzoju tu je dresura, agility, coursing ......... ... re=related ... re=related basketball borzoi barzoj koji zna da cita be mine please icon_biggrin ... re=related dance ... re=related ... re=related barzoj vuce sanke ... re=related ... re=related
Coursing i agility ... re=related
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:02 pm

Evo mojih barzoja! SANIVA

Rozs Dober-kopp
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA M_vsSE6Qi8lLSdEQ
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 5vAUWcOMZObKToTP

Ines Saniva
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA WxUmctjOuGvZxtkD
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 9vOiketl0o0a_9HO
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA O40Zc6eS_UkidWDr
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 5LkbUnj09zuk1T0i
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 4CROt7qIAZRPKy0x
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA TcNswFc4UNcJ5l3x

Pasat Sofena
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA YYSzwtC2OOostA2g
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA OxG1amNfpLO3KZQP
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Qgx3W7K_AuG7RRu8
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:32 pm

Psi iz naseg uzgoja!
Ilja Saniva (brat od Ines)
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA XbtNCQBAp3g0ALdf
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA B0savM7rRsx4_9ad
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA C2QnrJLWie5ypCsk

Dve bele sestre nase Ines, Helga Saniva i njeni i Pasatovi malisani.
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA ISy6DS0I4cQKQNHY
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA AHtSPSVO9fD6LEg3

A sada bi da predstavim Pasatovu sestru ICH Polaris i brata ICH Patriot.
Polaris je ove godine bila na Crufts.

Open Class - Female 16 females – 3 absent RES - ICH, CH, Club CH., POLARIS SOFENA
Cruft‘s 2008, day four, 9.3.2008 151 Borzois Judge: Mrs. P. Marston – Pollock (GBR)
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA S_slide0171_image677
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA S_slide0171_image681

International Show Brno (CZ) 9.2.2008
Judge : Věra Sosnová (CZ) , Group X: Miodrag Vreteničič (HR)
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA S_slide0172_image684
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA S_slide0172_image685
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA S_slide0172_image686

Nationa Show Ostrava 11.4.2008 (CZ) Judge – František Bouček, Group X – Libuše Ubrová
Exc. 1, CAC, National winner, BOB, BIG – Ch. PATRIOT SOFENA (champion class)
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Patriot_sofena_o08
Exc. 1, CAC, National winner - ICH, Ch. POLARIS SOFENA (champion class)
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Polaris_sofena_o08
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:31 pm

Evo jos meni dragih slika!
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA NJ0p1uDAmaKK5nkw.v
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 6FS2UDqq5GKT99C3

Koze moje Laughing
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA TxjYvjujUK6t35Kc
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA MC467Zpv7LAksH42
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA JMc_zZcjm801zeVs
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Ge_xdbZXzLfH6F_Y
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA EvxCNAt5HJwh6nYg
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA QLa2I1SYb6BIqnm8
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA HPHfXpAHyIifHkuP
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA CFieJ0U_qeSsyEFP
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:35 pm

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA HHkWo29ptNqn1eiW
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA A8QaFM4pQPlEVR3m
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA TsfQNI13GAJe9yMD
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA OqfJ_UewkGNZbPPD
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Nf4KYMcNtM_5lQ2z
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 2HOOgjar6aTTq2IO
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 2S0vVGUo6CSm_x2A
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA S6TUjF4zJpLyNsE8
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:39 pm

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA JAe5fa_JbJijAp1i.v
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA H0ckp2nuL6Lem9ch
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA LJvjwqjaUk6rAzV3
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA V1WlH4zcaHs9Gibf.v
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA AJtAWRO_2764yHqH.v
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:44 pm

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA KvFhSmiBO1qmDOS0
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA NIaUu1BqdRsoQFq6
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA RKkwmpWuwqAvDXjv
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA ZKW3IeWWxxvt5nD9
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA JOF2yhp6lPUf7CWu
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA NUvQFWmcpXAPFNCj.v
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 7VFuKkDFpdVjQjE9.v
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Dzd93436z4AnaGdL
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA BOQKcioTcQ7jz2mB
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 1ry4zY7VhlkHrJN0
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:26 am

Sada cu
postaviti web adrese svih svetskih odgajivaca ove plemenite i prelepe
rase koji imaju web prezentaciju svoje odgajivacnice!!! Za sve
ljubitelje ruskih htova, uzivajte!!!

Ovim bi htela malo da upoznam nase podrucje o veliki i kvalitetnim uzgajivacima ove rase!!! Sa nekima i mi saradjujemo kao sto su Sofena, Dober-kopp, Stepowy Goniec, Mraja, Polot, Phaedra.
Trudicu se da moja izlaganja budu azbucnim redom!
Necu postavjati sve slike svakog psa to ostalo mozete pogledati na njihovim web stranicama.

Pozdrav i UZIVAJTE!

Belgija Dom As Goscha
Slike pogledajte na njihovom sajtu. des Steppes Glacées
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Logo_index
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 006 Troykaia Polozovich' Barsois
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 0007
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 0034 Elevage de Borzoi du Pré du Chateau
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Th_Fjetra-1

Doubrovski Borzoi
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Wel-pic
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Tai-11m

Paskova Borzois
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Caly_logo
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Lady_WDS06_1
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Baro_CACIC_Dobrich07_8

Ima 3 odgajivacnice u ovoj zemlji ali samo ova jedna ima web prezentaciju.
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA LeneBjerrekatalogweb
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Bir-bim-cert

visnja89: komentar modifikovan dana: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:31 pm; prepravljeno ukupno 1 puta
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:27 am

Uf sada cu predstaviti nemacke odgajivacnice njih je k'o Kineza.

Ailica’s Barsois

Slike pogledajte na sajtu posto ne mogu da se postave na forum.

Ardfinnan Barsoi

Astpopovo Borzoi


Barsois von Astrachan
Slike pogledajte lepe su Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_smile


Barsois vom Bischofsteich

Bungenberg's Barsois

Ischyma Barsois

Kalinow Barsois
Slike ne mogu da se stave ali pogledajte imaju prelepe pse.


Barsoi von der Nebelhöhle

barsois von pohjan-akka

Barsois "von Prisca"
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Tonja%20UH

Pyashkas Barsois
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Barsoi_pyashka

Raschi Pack Buran

Uf ja sam se umorila evo jos adresa pa ako vas zanima pogledajte ljudi imaju lepe pse!

Rashomon's Barsois
Rassim's Barsois
Rasswet`s Barsois
Scharkow's Barsois
iz Skorevo Vetra Barsois
Barsois vom SÖLRING HÜS
Stepun’s Barsois
Barsois vom Tollhaus
Turgai's Barsois
v.d. Windhundranch
aus dem Zarenreich
Zarownik Barsois

Philadelphian Sabanna
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA A129
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA A162
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA A118


Anna-Su kennel
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Talvikuva%20Lili%20ja%20Mikki%2CkuvaEllaNiinist%C3%B6

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Em4

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA HiukassamPASpmv

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA E_marita2

Rajalinjan Borzoi's

Slike ne mogu da stavim na net a ima predivnihhhhh slika.
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:28 am


Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Kpinghab89
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 77ff5a3b-4ff1-31d4-2d9e-80f5ceb43eb3


Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA DSC00979

v. Ochotnikov
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Image162
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Image163
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Image164
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Image165
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Image171

Les Barzois de Tchesskaia
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Grptchesskaia1


Meletoff Borzoi
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA IMG_3906_2
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Pinocchio
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Olympia
Velika Britanija

Endevor Hounds


Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA TONI%20SMALLER

Starborough Borzoi
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Fleur3
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:30 am


Nazdrovia Borzoi


Antica Carsulae Barzoi
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Header
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA BakurMay07

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA IMG_9225
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Hirina-dormea

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Top_10_Home

Stepnykh Almazov Borzoi
Dr. Cristina Epifani


Kennel Bielie Noci

Kennel Od Vjetra
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:32 am


Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Vizant

Cars Ivans
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Belleb
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Cezarjb Ovo je Phaedra Cazarj stric nase Ines Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_smile

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Zaika10mb


Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA K_07_01
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA BarinTrakai

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Od_griausmas
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Sheri04


Barsoikennel van "Pazjino"
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 26september2006%20092
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 26september2006%20087
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA CHARIS

Na Novom Zelandu ima jedna odgajivacnica ali nema web prezentaciju.
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:34 am


Kennel Kazar
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Olympia-qadir-jan-08
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Arijana

Tzartaig Borzoi


vom Schloß Perchino
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Victor_011
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 22.12.2007_050

Tsar Borzois
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Jacky_jana_2
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Jacky_jana

Zarskoje selo Barsois
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Indexbild


"Z Jurajskich Biskupic"
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Media_www
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Media_www
Jako lep uradjen sajt ljudi drze i neke druge rase a i konje.

Magnus Borzoj
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Buria
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Grudziadz2006w

Stepowy Goniec
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 2
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 03


Gurylev & Dom Karpovoy Borzoi
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 1stlist

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Donja_4_b
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Donja_3_b

Sajt je super napravljen

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Ww40
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:35 am


Borscana Borzoi
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Ch%20Borscana%20Rocket%20Queen
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Ujeger
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Rakhantorsaker
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Saxajuli07

Borzoi Borzowskis’ Kennel
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Borzowskis-oskar-orlow-1
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Penny-5-ar-w
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Mira-85-ar-w

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Blaise04
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Breeder2

Kennel Lynx
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Me_2
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Album0005

Scheztaya Borzoi

Kennel Tarasov
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Sussie
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Fiddler_s

Kennel Tichvin's
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Paddan
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Tichvin



Elevage BARZAYA,

Dworjanin Borzois
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA DSC016291
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA DworjaninJegozaresek
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA DworjaninJarowlisek

Kuskaya`s Barsoi`s

Sokolow Barsois
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Leben_golub
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Leben_gruppe_5


Ninochka's Borsois
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Dragan4
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Walk

Kennel Wolkowo
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 18
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 01
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA 31
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:37 am


Mraja Borzoi



Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Doberkoppzoltan_04
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Doberkoppzoltan_06
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Doberkoppremeny_02



Korsakov Borzoi Kennel
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Biancadetroit32003

Phaedra "Borzoi since 1966"
Sajt je prelepo uradjen i imaju prelepe pse

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA BaltoShangoBlitzSnowLRcrop
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA ZoltanHeadBackLR


Borzoi "Z Bilmy"

Barzoj Bistkupstwo
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Img004m
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Img003

Daniela + David Juranovi

Barzoj Krylov

Borzoi Majove Bohemia
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Andrejka_Daimon_vystava
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Andrejka_Os_Ansuz_kryti
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Daimon_Demijan_Andrejka

z Palatinu Moravia
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Niky1
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Tascha01

„Od podhorního vrchu“
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA T_m

SOFENA kennel
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA S_slide0079_image035
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA S_slide0081_image056
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA S_slide0082_image068
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:38 am

Predstavila sam mnoge svetske poznate odgajivacnice koje se godinama bave kinologijom i koje uzgajaju ruske hrtove.
Evo jos linkova o barzoju.

Belgian Borzoi Club:

Royal Belgian Sighthound:

Czech Borzoi Club:

Danish Myndeklubben: Myndeklubben

Deutscher Windhund- Zucht- und Rennverband/D

Dutch borzoi club

Finnish Borzoi Club

Official French Borzoi Club:

French Borzoi site:

Hungrian Borzoi site:

Netherlands Borzoi Info Group:

Norwegian Sighthoundclub:

Polish Sighthound Club/PL:

National Borzoi Club, Russia:

Russian Borzoi page:

Site about life borzoi and another russian breed dogs in Russia

Slovak Sighthound Club:

Borzoi Ringen/Sweden:

Svenska Vindhundklubben/S:

Swiss Borzoi Club:

Borzoi Club of America:



Borzoi Connection magazine/USA:

Baraka Book 's site/Italy:

Borzoi pedigrees online/USA:

Eine Seite für Barsoifreunde:

Eine Seite mit wertvollen Windhundfiguren

Borzoi ceramic arts Nicolaj Abramovich,

Porträts von Mensch und Tier:


Barsoizwinger Ischyma Barsois/D

Monica Lewin’s Borzoi Site: Ja-Lo-Blue

Borzoikennel Rusich/RUS:

Helena M-Håkansson's home of topwinning borzois

Barsoikennel "z Bilmy"/CZ

Tom Golcher & KC Thompson/D

Rey & Yvonne McGehee Valeska Borzoi/USA

Danuta Freiherr:

Hana's Barsoi Site/D:

Melanie Gina Raths

Borzoikennel Yermoloff/S:

Barsois aus dem Zarenreich/D

Komrovsky Borzoi since 1966/USA
Miguel Sabino Viamonte Kennel/P

The Hounds of Clairidge Dr. Barbara Horwitz/USA ... Clairidge/

Stepnyk Almazov Borzoi/I ... _index.htm

Sherry Faye Rodarmor Shefaro Borzoi/USA

Zscheppliner Windhundclub


Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen:

Verein der Hundefreunde Dreieichenhain e.v./D

eine allgemeinge Tierseite/D:

You got computer-problems, need help ?! forums about all topics you can
imagine and drivers for your hardware/D

Preporucujem jos dve stranice to su i

POZDRAV!!! I ko god da ima neko pitanje neka mi slobodno postavi!!! Laughing
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Broj komentara : 96
Registration date : 2008-01-21

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:50 am

Hvala najlepse na ovim tekstovima i slikama!
Pravo su osvezenje! Very Happy Very Happy
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Broj komentara : 26
Registration date : 2008-03-30

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:15 am

Stvarno je retkost da se ovoliko puno pise o kerama iz 10 grupe.
Sve cestitke autorici tekstova Visnji89, zaista ljubav i trud.
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:09 am

Hvala! Nadam se da ima nekog ko ce da mi se pridruzi! Very Happy
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Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:10 pm

Borzoi History

The history of the Borzoi breed begins with the history of
the dog and his association with man. Because early man required
certain skills in his dogs for various purposes, these skills
became highly developed in combining with their natural instincts
for survival. One skill that was employed by early man was the
sighting and capturing of game. One of the seven distinct breeds*
known as sight hounds, the Borzoi is believed to have originated
from a cross between a Saluki type dog and a native Russian breed.
Their history dates back to 1260 A.D. even though the first written
description or standard did not appear until 1650.

A statement from THE COMPLETE DOG BOOK, published by the American
Kennel Club indicates:

Fairly recent research into the much discussed origin of the
Borzoi brings to light an interesting discovery, to wit, that
in the early seventeenth century a certain Russian duke, who
liked very fast dogs for hunting, imported a number of Arabian
Greyhounds, probably dogs known as gazelle hounds. These were
speedy runners, but it seems that, having thin coats, they were
unable to withstand the severe weather and cold winters of Russia
and died. Undaunted by his first failure, the duke later sent
for more of these hounds and carefully crossed them with a native
Russian breed somewhat similar to the Collie of today, but slightly
more powerful and different in build, having longer legs, longer
grace-fully curved tail, slightly longer neck, very heavily furred
ears and a carriage more like the Wolfhound of today.... The
result of the crossing was the graceful, elegant and aristocratic
dog we know as our own Borzoi.

Mr. Joseph B. Thomas, in OBSERVATIONS ON BORZOI, published
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1912, (and now available as a reprinted
in its entirety from Hoflin Publications) expresses his belief
that all breeds of Russian Borzoi came from one common root:
from the crossing of the Asiatic or Eastern Borzoi, which penetrated
into Russia some hundreds of years ago, with the Northern wolf-like
dogs or even perhaps with the wolf itself. He further expresses
the theory of Mr. Artem Boldaroff, owner of one of the most famous
kennels, the Woronzova, in Russia, that the several breeds of
longhounds have in their origin little or no connection; that
the Psovoy Borzoi, the long-haired Russian sight-hound, developed
by a process of evolution, swiftness being desired, from the
coated, smooth-faced bearhound of early Russia, an animal similar
to the modern Laika but larger; and that the rough-coated longhound
of the modern Scottish Deerhound type, with its rough coat extending
to the face, had an entirely different origin-possibly, in this
latter case, from some dog not dissimilar to the Old English

The Hunter's Calendar and Reference Book, published in Moscow
in 1892, divides the Borzoi into four groups: 1, the Russian
or Psovoy Borzoi, having more or less long coat; 2, the Asiatic
Borzoi, having pendant ears; 3, the Hortoy Borzoi, having a smooth
coat; and 4, the Brudastoy Borzoi, having a stiff or wire-haired
coat. The Russian, or Psovoy, Borzoi had many varieties, but
all conformed to the same general characteristics.

Whatever may have been the exact origin of the Borzoi, the
ancient type described by the "standard" of 1650, were
certainly bred for speed, having little or no stop to the skull,
tremendous depth of chest, rather flat sides, and a great length
of tail, the hair frequently trailing the ground. The hair was
long and silky and apparently every color from black to pure
white was acceptable. It is not surprising that this generally
elegant, aristocratic dog, the Borzoi, has lived a precarious
life: his existence has been threatened primarily because of
his association with the nobility. Shortly after the Napoleonic
Wars, with the revival of sporting activity, experiments were
instituted in which foreign hounds of the Greyhound type were
crossed with the "ancient" type of Borzoi. Various
breeds were used for this crossing; so much was this practiced
that in 1861, with the emancipation of the serfs and the turmoil
in rural Russia, few hounds were left of the "pure"
blood. Many of the Russian nobility, paid by the Government for
relinquishing their lands and estates to the serfs, turned to
the cities. Their kennels were either forgotten or were ruined
through the neglect or absenteeism of the lord. Later, when the
nobility returned to their estates, they were frequently unable
to restore or maintain their kennels. Hounds and hunting which
had been the custom throughout Russia, then remained in isolated
instances only.

After the Revolution, many of the Borzoi were slaughtered
because of the association with the Czars; and, again, the Borzoi
was left only in isolated kennels. Thus, from the mixing of the
breed, the later depopulation, and finally, their slaughter,
the "ancient" type became nearly extinct. When the
first exportations of Borzoi were made from Russia, none of these
ancient types left the country. There is no specific date associated
with the introduction of Borzoi into England, but accounts seem
to indicate that it was during the early nineteenth century.
Mrs. Winifred Chadwick, author of THE BORZOI HANDBOOK, published
by Nicholson and Watson, London, in 1952, writes:

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA RoyalThese early arrivals resulted
mostly from the amiable custom of the Czar of presenting specimens
from the imperial Kennels to such noble persons as he was pleased
to honour, and it seems likely that the first of these were a
pair presented to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The Prince of Wales,
afterwards King Edward Vll, was also given a pair called `'Molodetz'
and "Oudalzka." These were reported to have been exhibited
to the public in London and we also find records of their offspring
being exhibited at shows. This association of Borzoi with our
Royal Family was a singularly happy one and extended over a period
of more than fifty years, mainly owing to the great interest
taken in them by Queen Alexandra, both before and after her accession
to the throne. Her Majesty both bred and exhibited Borzoi and
had them as her constant companions for many years, one of her
gifts from the Czar, known as 'Alex', being particularly well
known on that account. About 1890 saw the beginning of a new
era of Borzoi in England . . . for this, most of the credit must
be accorded to Her Grace the Duchess of Newcastle. The Duchess
founded her great 'of Notts' kennels and devoted herself to pro-ducing
the finest possible Borzoi.

The AKC stud book from 1892 records only two Russian Wolfhounds
registered; littermates out of an English bitch of recent Russian
ancestry and a Russian sire, imported into England.

The first Borzoi to come directly from Russia to the United
States were imported by Seacroft kennels in 1890, at least seven
dogs, from the kennels of the Grand Duke Peter Nicholas and Prince
Boris Galitizin. A close friend of Mr. Hanks was Mr. Joseph B.
Thomas who soon joined them in trying to further interest in
this wonderful breed. It was Mr. Thomas who recognized that the
Borzoi of the Imperial Kennels were somewhat weedy and did not
have the individual stamina and strength which were so needed
in the hunting field. Mr. Hanks also realized this and:

. . . after a few years stopped exhibiting his dogs and turned
many of them over to his Kennel Manager, then Mr. Tom Turner.
It was, however, very fortunate that Mr. Joseph B. Thomas stepped
into the picture with great enthusiasm, and purchased what good
dogs he could in America as well as taking from Mr. Turner many
of the best Borzoi of Seacroft Kennels in order to form his O'Vallev
Farm Kennels.With the hope of improving the strain, Mr. Thomas
visited Canada and England in search of the high standard of
Borzoi he hoped to find. The quality
there was no better. In August of 1903 he visited the Imperial
Kennels of the Czar at Gatchina, near the capital, and was most
discouraged at what he found as there seemed to be no distinct
type. Then, by accident, Mr. Thomas learned from the editor of
a little sporting paper that Mr. Artem Boldaroff had an excellent
kennel, and that His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke Nicholas
also had some hounds. Mr. Thomas writes:

Little did I realize at that time what my fortune was to be,
for had I not seen either of these kennels, I should have been
little the wiser for my trip. I sent telegraphic requests to
visit them which brought favourable replies, in one case from
Mr. Boldaroff himself, in the other from M. Dmitri Walzoff, who
is 'chef du comptoir' to the Grand Duke.

The visit to both kennels was most hospitable and charming,
and Mr. Thomas was able to secure that outstanding specimen,
Bistri of Perchina, from the Perchina Kennels of Grand Duke Nikolai
Nikolai-vitch, and three bitches, Sorva, Atamanka, and Raskida,
from the Woronzova Kennels of M. and Mme. Boldaroff. Bistri and
Raskida were to produce Ch. Rasboi O'Valley Farm who was to win
Best of Breed at Westminster four years in succession.

Jumping ahead to the 1920's….. Another famous kennel
of this era was the Romanoff Kennels of the United States which
has been owned at various times by the following: Mrs. F. C.
McAllister, Leroy Pelletier, Norman A. Pabst, and Louis J. Murr,
one of our best remembered all-breed judges. Mr. Murr will be
remembered as the breeder and exhibitor of Ch. Vigow of Romanoff;
Vigow was unde-feated in breed competition, and his record includes
21 best-in-show awards. Vigow was destined to set a record as
Best American Bred dog-all breeds in AKC member shows in both
1935 and 1936.

The name change from Russian Wolfhound to Borzoi came in late
1936, to conform with the name used for the breed in the rest
of the world.

From the "The Borzoi". Blue book published by
Borzoi Club of America in

*This history was written in 1972, when we only had 7 sighthounds
in the U.S. The Pharaoh and Ibizan Hound were not recognized
at that time.

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Hunting with Borzoi

Classic Russian and Modern

With all his beauty and gentle, companionable ways, the Borzoi
is by instinct, breeding and character a coursing hound. In 19th
Century Russia, before dispersion of the estates, Borzoi were
kept by the aristocracy to hunt wolves. Following is Mr. Joseph
B. Thomas' description of the hunt he attended in 1903, during
his visit to Russia, with His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke

The hunting preserves of the Grand Duke Nicholas extended
over two hundred thousand acres. The establishment of the Grand
Duke was laid out in 'the grand manner'; the ten individual stucco
kennels for the Borzoi, each with a grass court, flanked the
dip of a valley aligned with the magnificent hunting lodge of
Italian architec-ture. At the far end of the valley, the foxhound
kennels designed in keeping with the lodge completed the rectangle....
On his enormous estate of Perchina, the hare, the fox, and.the
wolf are preserved with the greatest care. The three hundred
Borzoi and hundred couple of foxhounds are kept in the most perfect
manner, trained and fitted for their work with the discipline
and individual attention practiced in a racing stable.... The
Grand Duke's Borzoi are exclusively the ancient type hounds.Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Rabbit%20hunt2

There are two distinct methods of hunting: one, called field
hunting, where the huntsmen, mounted on ponies, proceed in a
long skirmish line across the open, fenceless country, slipping
their hounds on whatever jumps up. They advance at a walk or
slow trot, in a half-moon-shape skirmish line, about two hundred
yards apart. Another distinctly different method is that of stationing
on all sides of a covert mounted huntsmen with Borzoi in slips.
If wolves are likely to be found, two dogs and a bitch make 'the
team'. Hare and foxes are more often coursed than wolves; but
in each case three different methods are employed to drive the
game from covert. It must be understood that the country is quite
without fences or ditches, with only here and there small groves
of a few acres in extent. The whereabouts of game is usually
reported by the herdsman.

In the early morning may be seen wending its way along the
trail-like rounds of the district, a long line of mounted hunters,
each holding in his left hand a leash of three magnificent Borzoi,
two dogs and a bitch as nearly matched in color and conformation
as possible, and followed by the pack of Anglo-Russian foxhounds,
with the huntsmen and whips in red tunics. On arriving at the
scene of the chase, the hunters are stationed by the Master of
the Hunt at intervals of a hundred yards or so until the entire
grove is surrounded by a long cordon of hounds and riders. Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Horseand%20leashA signal note is heard on a hunting
horn, and with the mingled music of the trail hounds, shouts
of men, and the cracking of whips, the foxhound pack is urged
into the grove in pursuit of hidden game. The scene is certainly
a medieval one. The hunters, dressed in typical Russian costumes,
with fur-trimmed hats, booted and spurred, and equipped with
hunting-horn, whip and dagger, and mounted on padded Cossack
saddles high above the backs of their Kirghiz ponies, holding
on straining leash their long-coated, exceedingly beautiful animals,
make a picture that once seen is not easily forgotten.

But hark! The sound of hound voices is changed to a sudden
sharp yapping of the pack in full cry, and simultaneously there
springs from the covert a dark grey form bent upon reaching the
next woods, some hundreds of yards away. In an instant he is
well in the open, and sees, only too late, that he has approached
within strik-ing distance of the nearest leash of Borzoi. Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Russian%20huntdWith a cry of 'Ou-la-lou', and
setting his horse at a gallop, the hunter slips his hounds when
they view the game, to sight which they oftentimes jump five
or six feet in the air. There is a rush,-a spring,-and with a
yelp the foremost hound is sent rolling; but instantly is back
to the attack, which continues-a confused mass of white and grey,
swiftly leaping forms and snapping fangs-until a neck-hold is
secured by the pursuing Borzoi, who do their best to hold the
wolf prostrate. Then, in a most spirited dash, the hunter literally
throws himself from the saddle of his hunting pony onto the prostrate
wolf. Formerly, a deftly wielded knife assisted in avoiding any
further trouble for the dogs; but of late years it has become
better form to take the wolf alive. A short stick with a thong
at each end, being held in front of the wolf, he seizes it, and
the hunter with instant dexterity, ties the thong behind the
brutes neck. Reynard and the hare are captured in the same manner
by the dogs, but in that case a toss in the air is usually sufficient.

In a few places around the globe, Borzoi are still used as
working hunters, and continue the breed's traditional role as
capturers of large predatory game such as the African hyena.
Similarly, there still can be found in some of the more remote
regions of the U.S. a few Borzoi whose work is to combat the
wolf and coyote marauders of cattle and sheep. But these are
the exceptions in the modern world. The vast majority of Borzoi
are kept as companions, pets, family protectors, show animals,
or occasionally for individual sport hunting.

Text from the "The Borzoi". Blue book published
by Borzoi Club of America in 1973.
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The Borzoi Standard

The Borzoi Standard was first drawn up in this country and
approved by the AKC in 1903. In 1940, revisions were approved
removing the color disqualifications for black and blank &
tan. Again in 1972, revisions were made to the Standard for the
sake of clarifications and to add an important section describing

Overall, the Borzoi standard has changed very little. The
very good dogs of the 1920's would still be competitive in today's
show ring.


General Appearance - The Borzoi was originally bred
for the coursing of wild game on more or less open terrain, relying
on sight rather than scent. To accomplish this purpose, the
Borzoi needed particular structural qualities to chase, catch
and hold his quarry. Special emphasis is placed on sound running
gear, strong neck and jaws, courage and agility, combined with
proper condition. The Borzoi should always possess unmistakable
elegance with flowing lines, graceful in motion or repose. Males,
masculine without coarseness; bitches, feminine and

Head - Skull slightly domed. long and narrow, with
scarcely any perceptible stop, inclined to be Roman-nosed. Jaws
long, powerful and deep, somewhat finer in bitches but not snipy.
Teeth strong and clean with either an even or a scissors, bite.
Missing teeth should be penalized. Nose large and black.

Ears - Small and fine in quality, lying back on the
neck when in repose with the tips when thrown back almost touching
behind occiput; raised when at attention.

Eyes - Set somewhat obliquely, dark in color, intelligent
but rather soft in expression; never round, full nor staring,
nor light in color; eye rims dark; inner corner midway between
tip of nose and occiput.

Neck - Clean, free from throatiness; slightly arched,
very powerful and well set on.

Shoulders - Sloping, fine at the withers and free from
coarseness or lumber.

Chest - Rather narrow, with great depth of brisket.

Ribs - Only slightly sprung, but very deep, giving
room for heart and lung play.

Back - Rising a little at the loins in a graceful curve.
Loins - Extremely muscular, but rather tucked up, owing
to the great depth of chest and comparative shortness of back
and ribs.

Forelegs - Bones straight and somewhat flattened like
blades, with the narrower edge forward. The elbows have free
play and are turned neither in nor out, pasterns strong.

Feet - Hare-shaped, with well-arched knuckles; toes
close and well padded.

Dewclaws - Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are generally
removed; dewclaws on the forelegs may be removed.

Tail - Long, set on and carried low in a graceful curve.

Coat - Long, silky (not woolly), either flat, wavy
or rather curly. On the head, ears and front of legs it should
be short and smooth; on the neck the frill should be profuse
and rather curly. Feather on hindquarters and tail, long and
profuse, less so on chest and back of forelegs.

Color - Any color or combination of colors is acceptable.

Size - Mature males should be at least 28 inches at
the withers and mature bitches at least 26 inches at the withers.
Dogs and bitches below these respective limits should be severely
penalized; dogs and bitches above the respective limits should
not be penalized as long as extra size is not acquired at the
expense of symmetry, speed, and staying quality. Range in weight
for males from 75 to 105 pounds, and
for bitches from 15 to 20 pounds less.

Gait - Front legs must reach well out in front with
pasterns strong and springy. Hackneyed motion with mincing gait
is not desired nor is weaving and crossing. However, while the
hind legs are wider apart than the front, the feet tend to move
closer to the center line when the dog moves at a fast trot.
When viewed from the side, there should be a noticeable drive
with a ground-covering stride from well-angulated stifles and
hocks. The overall appearance in motion should be that of
effortless power, endurance, speed, agility, smoothness and grace.

The foregoing description is that of the ideal Borzoi. Any deviation
from the above described dog must be penalized to the extent
of the deviation, keeping in mind the importance of the contribution
of the various features toward the basic original purpose of
the breed.

Approved June 13, 1972
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Taking the Mystery out of

The Borzoi Topline

Since the topline is the foundation of any dog, and seems to
be the most mis-
understood part of the Borzoi, we will start off the practical
education about the breed on that subject.

There is much disinformation about Borzoi topline that has
become part of the dog world's collective consciousness, as well
as that of the casually interested public. This is due to two
major factors: first, the mental image from Art Deco times, and
secondly, the fact that there are a lot of Borzoi out there with
faulty toplines for us to see

Taking the mystery out of

Patti Widick Neale © 1995

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA DecoThe sweeping lines of the Borzoi
have been an inspiration to artists and designers over the last
century and the exaggeration of the details that make the Borzoi
different from a generic dog have been carried to an extreme
in both representative and decorative art, particularly in the
Deco period. Length of leg and head, fineness of limb and arch
of loin are details that separate the sighthound from the less
specialized members of Canidae, so deliberate over-accentuation
of these details was a design technique that readily fit in with
the sleek lines and curves that typified Art Deco.

Unfortunately, these exaggerations have become part of the
mental picture that many people have of Borzoi, especially in
the area of the topline, depicted so often in decorative art
as a hoop-like curve atop an impossibly tall, thin animal. Due
to a lack of understanding on the part of some fanciers of the
importance of a correct topline to the whole animal, far too
often in the show ring life imitates art. It is time to separate
art from reality.

The Borzoi standard does not use the word "topline"
at all: therefore, we must use the description of "back",
further defined by "loins", to describe the united
image of topline. The Standard, by itself, is not enough however.
The breeder and judge must have a true understanding of the Borzoi's
original function.

The Borzoi is, first and foremost, a working sighthound, and
as such, its basic structure, of which the topline is the most
obvious feature, should not be terribly different from that of
other sighthounds whose job it was, or is, to run down and catch
large game. The combined requirements of strength and speed demand
a muscular, flexible body.

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Skeleton

No AKC sighthound standard calls for any features causing
the topline to start its rise from the withers, and neither does
the Borzoi Standard.

The Standard says "back - rising a little at the loins
in a graceful curve." This is a VERY specific description.
The key words are "little", "loins", and
"graceful". Much of the apparent curve of the topline
is caused by the increasing height of the spires on the large,
lumbar vertebrae which anchor the large and powerful muscles
of the loin, followed by the decreasing height of the spires
further back as they descend to the sacrum area of the pelvis.
Whereas the "loin" proper is the lumbar area behind
the last ribs, the huge muscle mass that holds the front and
rear quarters of the dog together is actually anchored to the
thoracic vertebrae above the last three ribs, so that the "little
rise" actually starts with the muscle mass above the last
three ribs, reaching its visual highest point about midway between
the last rib and the hipbones.

The "graceful curve" in the topline is not just
the rise at the loins, but is continued by a gentle fall-away
into the croup, caused by the decreasing height of the lumbar
spires and the moderate slope of the pelvis. A low-set tail completes
the curve as an extension of the spine.

Croup angle is not specified in the Standard, so we must fall
back on a common sense application of anatomy. A very steep croup
does not allow the rear to completely extend and follow through
at a gallop and restricts rear drive at the trot as well. When
the Borzoi is stacked, a steep croup gives the dog a cramped
stance. A shallow croup angle interrupts the graceful curve and
causes the tail to be set high on a shorter pelvic bone.

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Cntractd
Contracted phase of the double suspension gallop. Tremendous
flexibility allows hind foot to nearly pass the point of shoulder.

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Extend

Extended phase of double suspension gallop. The curve
of the spine is reversed, allowing mamimum rear drive.

Above all, the loin must be muscular. The loin is the powerhouse
of the dog. The muscles of the loin are what allow the Borzoi
to increase the effective length of its stride by the flexing
and contracting of the whole backline, the key to the double
suspension gallop that is the Borzoi's working gait. A muscular
loin creates a smooth topline, contributing to the look of "graceful"
by unifying front and rear.

The incorrect, nonfunctional topline that rises from the withers
is achieved by an extreme tilting of the horizontal axis of the
ribcage upward towards the middle of the backline, which flattens
out the critical anticline area, the little depression in the
back where the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae meet and the vertebral
spires change the direction of their slant. This is actually
a cramped body stance. As the ribcage is pulled up and back,
it causes the chest to appear shallower in relation to the elbow,
straightens out the return of upper arm, and causes the area
of the chest between the front legs to be "cut up"
instead of filled in and the croup is very steep. It is invariably
a stiff or rigid topline, an anathema to a running hound and
in direct conflict with the clear wording of the Standard.

All the changes caused by a topline that rises from the withers
are detrimental to FUNCTION, restricting reach, changing head
and neck carriage, and limiting flexibility. The name for a faulty
topline that rises from the withers is "wheelback",
and dogs with this unfortunate conformation have a bouncy, energy-wasting
up and down gait at both the show ring trot and the gallop, all
the antithesis of the beautiful, smooth, flowing gait that a
properly constructed Borzoi is supposed to

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Trotter

Head carriage in sighthounds is also correlated with arch
of loin. The Borzoi is similar in topline to the Scottish Deerhound
and the Greyhound, whose standards call for "well arched
loins". All three breeds also carry their heads slightly
above the level of the topline, but not high. In contrast, the
flatter backed Saluki, "muscles slightly arched over the
loin" and the "practically level" backed Afghan
hound with "loin ... Slightly arched" carry their heads
much higher at all gaits than the larger, curvier sighthounds.
Conversely, the incorrect wheel-backed Borzoi, unless very animated,
will carry its head quite low as an extension of the awkward
curve of the spine into the shoulder area and neck.

The correct Borzoi topline is NOT a cosmetic feature of the
dog to be changed according to the taste of the breeder or a
whim of style. The Borzoi is shaped the way he is for a purpose
and the topline is the foundation for the structure that allows
the Borzoi to be a superb running hound. It is the combined responsibility
of breeders and judges to develop a clear understanding of the
ideal in order to produce and reward the dog with a correct,
functional topline and leave the
caricature to Deco.
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The Borzoi Topline

Figure 1. Basic Borzoi
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Basicbz

To start on the photos, it would be best to fix in your mind,
the good examples first. Figure 1, the basic Borzoi dog,
is a good example of most points in the breed, and this includes
topline. Remember, rising a LITTLE at the LOINS in a GRACEFUL
curve. The total correct look is deeply affected by that curve.
What goes up, must go down, so croup dropoff, which is not mentioned
in the standard, can change the overall effect of the topline.

Figure 2.
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Blackwht

The black and white dog in Figure 2 also has an excellent
outline, though he falls away in the croup a bit more than Figure
and is shorter through the back and loin.

In Borzoi, the heaviest parts of the body coat grow in a patch
over the shoulders, which in our house is called the "buffalo
hump", and over the hips and croup, which we call the "butt
toupee". Unfortunately, the heavy hair growth in these two
areas, especially in males tends to fill in the curves and puff
up the croup. The overall effect is to make the back appear flatter
than it really is in a well coated male.

Bitches have the same coat pattern, but it is not as exaggerated.
In addition, a bitch tends to blow a lot of body coat after her
season, so by the time the two hairpieces have grown out to the
distracting length, she usually sheds again. But guess where
they shed first..... the middle of the topline. Sometimes this
can make a normal topline look almost sway backed! The buffalo
hump and butt toupee hold out until the bitter end which is a
major frustration to grooming.

So, you say, why not trim it up? Well, many people do, with
varying degrees of skill. There are a couple of problems with
this. Trimming usually makes the hair feel coarse, especially
over the shoulders. Also, not every color can be trimmed. White,
or real black, or brindles, can easily be trimmed but so many
of the sables and reds have dark tips to the hair and pale roots.
Trimming that kind of hair sticks out like a sore thumb.

So what does this have to do with topline? When you are judging,
either in the ring or from ringside, you must be careful not
to penalize the untrimmed dog for supposed topline faults that
have been groomed out of his classmates. The AKC video indicates
that trimming is to be discouraged, but there is no justification
in the Standard for that discouragement, and everybody does some.

Figure 3. Wheelback
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Wheel1

Figure 3 illustrates the first of three very common, very
faulty toplines. The red dog has the condition called "wheelback".
His whole ribcage is tilted so that the back actually starts
tilting upward from the shoulders. This is a deformity, as it
involves an unnatural alteration of the spine, that most important
body foundation. Remember "what goes up, must come down?"
If it wrong going up, it is bound to be wrong going down. See
how the loin never rises. It drops off in an uncomfortable-looking
manner, and see what it does to angulation both fore and aft.
See how short bodied this dog is. How athletic do you think he
will be? Refer back to the skeletal drawing
to see what has to happen to the spine to achieve this conformation.

Figure 4. Long, flat back
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Flatback

The white bitch in Figure 4 has nearly the opposite problem.
First, she is very long bodied, with an overly long loin, slightly
forward shoulder placement and a lot of rear angulation. That
much length is hard to support unless the animal in excellent
muscular condition, in which case there would be more arch to
the loin, but she would still have a bad outline. In this photo
she looks a bit high in the rear, but you can see that if she
was pulled into show stance with hocks perpendicular to the ground,
the hips would come down and she would appear even longer. This
animal would be more flexible and functional and athletic than
the red dog, but obviously not typical.

Figure 5. No rise, "slap ass"
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Slapass

The red and white bitch above has no rise at all to her loin.
Her topline starts to descend before it gets to the loin, the
look that the Whippet people call "slap ass". This
departure from correct is the most common fault of the three.
These dogs are often great sprinters, but lack endurance. Descending
at the loin is in direct contradiction to the standard.

All of these faults are both TYPE and STRUCTURAL faults.

The rise over the loin flattens out a bit when the dog trots, a proof of flexibility. Wheelbacked
dogs remain wheelbacked at the trot and bounce up and down with
each stride.

Flexibility is critical to the galloping dog (or any athlete)
as the dog has to bend it's spine in a half circle in the contraction phase of the double suspension
gallop and then turn the topline inside out in a concave line
as they drive into the extended phase.

While absolute proof of running ability is impossible to determine
in the ring, certainly the elasticity of stride, flexibility
of spine and strength and muscle tone that give a Borzoi the
POTENTIAL to be a great runner can be seen and felt by the astute
observer at the gaits available to us at dog shows.
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KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Ruski hrt, Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA   Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:14 pm

Notes on the Borzoi

Figure 6. beautiful head type
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Goodhead

Notes on the Borzoi Head

It is said that every breed is a "head breed", as
in a proper example of any kind of dog, the head is the one feature
that is unique to that breed; sets it apart from all others instantly.
By that designation, Borzoi are no exception.

In some breeds such as Collies, Bull Terriers, Bulldogs, etc.,
a heavy emphasis is put on head qualities in the standard or
by the fancy. In these breeds, head faults or qualities will
make or break the assessment of the overall dog. The Borzoi is
not that kind of dog.

While today we will go into quite some detail concerning the
Borzoi head, and I will mention many small points that go into
making an ideal head, there is enough left out of the Standard
to allow for a somewhat greater range of acceptability than in
many other breeds. In addition, 3/4 of the Standard is written
around the points that make a Borzoi an efficient, graceful runner.
In deciding how to weight the head as part of the overall dog,
it is best to keep in mind the exceedingly important final paragraph
of the Standard:

The foregoing description is that of the ideal Borzoi.
Any deviation from the above described dog must be penalized
to the extent of the deviation, keeping in mind the importance
of the contribution of the various features toward the basic
original purpose of the breed.

That purpose?

Running down and catching game.

So… on to details.

The Standard describes the skull as slightly domed; this description
applies to the profile as well as to the skull from the front.
While you will seldom see an extremely domed head, the dog in
Figure 7c., is getting too far away from "slightly".
This kind of top skull combined with the all too common lack
of underjaw (Figure 7d) is referred to in the fancy as a light
bulb head. On the other hand, a flat top skull with the fore
face all in the same plane as the topskull with no suggestion
of a stop for relief, is atypical and unsightly. The reverse
of slightly domed is slightly concave, and this is frequently

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA LongheadThe skull is long and narrow.
This is one of the three basic head shapes recognized in dogs
according cephalic index, i.e. base width in relation to skull
length; Borzoi are in the most extreme category, dolichocephalic,
as is a Collie, and are the most extreme among sighthounds, but
that does not mean in judging, the narrower the better. Extra
narrow heads usually are on extra narrow bodies, as you really
can't fool Mother Nature, nor should we want to. The bitch onthe
left shows excellent length and sufficient width in the muzzle
to balance strength with beauty.

Jaws are to be "long, powerful and deep". The Borzoi
is a "catch and hold" dog. He bites for a living so
to say, and needs jaws strength as much as a Dobe or an Am Staff,
for his classic prey, the Russian wolf, is much heavier and at
least as Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Strong%20headstrong. A strong
jaw requires a deep head for muscle attachment surface, and this
is a feature easily lost in selecting for "pretty".
Look at the deep underjaw in the male to the right, and notice
the depth and strength of the underjaw, while still maintaining

"Somewhat finer in bitches but not snipy." The Standard
calls for a long narrow SKULL but deep and powerful JAWS. Deep
jaws provide a better foundation for teeth. Shallow jaws make
for greater chance of tooth loss and smaller teeth.

Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA SnipeAs for snipy, (Figure 7d) the
term comes from the common snipe, the long beaked bird that provides
the name for an overly fine and pointed muzzle in basic dog terminology.
This is a great sort of jaw for picking bugs out of the mud.
It is not the sort of muzzle useful for holding on to a hundred
and fifty pound carnivore fighting for its life. In addition,
a narrow jaw usually results in crowded incisors.

So in the muzzle, as throughout the whole Borzoi, think of
strength and function, and the contribution jaws towards the
basic original purpose of the breed.

Figure 7. Head faultsa. dished face; b. Roman head; c. too much dome;d. snipy
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Badheads

Head planes are not specified in the Standard, but "scarcely
perceptible stop" indicates that there is some suggestion
of a stop. "Inclined to be Roman-nosed" is a slight
drop off at the end of the nasal cartilage, and is a finer point
of breed type. A slightly domed skull, a Roman nose, and NO stop
becomes a point of breed type for ANOTHER BREED; it is called
a Roman HEAD, (Figure 7b; Figure Cool and is a freakish anomaly
that strays away far away from both elegance and function. Often
the Roman headed dog is undershot, as the length of the top jaw
is shortened due to the curvature of the head, (Figure 7b) and
creates a large space between the jaws which reduces grip. Carried
to the extreme, a very Roman headed animal, scarcely looks like
a Borzoi.

Figure 8. Roman head
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Roman

This is not a new problem. In the 20's this kind of head became
fashionable, due to the influence of a few English imports. Think
of it as a negative to both function and type in the Borzoi,
Look for the balanced head with a slightly domed skull, a suggestion
of a stop and the Roman finish to the end of the nose.

Since Borzoi have large, over-reaching noses, the impression
of a longer top jaw is notable, particularly for a dog with a
good Roman finish to the nose. (Figure
, Figure 12c) This is a classic point of type, not function.

Upper and lower jaws are inherited separately in dogs, so
it is a wonder with the tremendous variation in head lengths
in Borzoi, that as many dogs have good bites as they do. "Even
or scissors bite" assumes level from side to side, in other
words, not wry.

Though it is certainly faulty, the "reverse scissors"
slight undershot is still a serviceable bite, as the canine can
still mesh properly, but the badly overshot "parrot"
mouth" is increasing in prevalence and is actually a deformity.
Sometimes a parrot mouthed puppy bite will correct somewhat but
canines will be reversed or out of line which throws the dog
back into the category of non-functional, since the canines prevent
the mouth from closing tightly and usually cuts into the upper
hard palate.

Teeth - "strong and clean." Large teeth are good,
but are becoming rarer. Smaller teeth tend to be shallower rooted
and more prone to be pulled out, along with the obvious disadvantage
of less holding power.

The Borzoi standard is the ONLY hound standard to specify
dentition (full) by saying "missing teeth shall be penalized."
Borzoi should have 42 teeth like most dogs, and any missing teeth
are generally premolars, rarely molars, and many Borzoi have
extra premolars. Long jaws mean big spaces between teeth. With
such large spaces compared to tooth size, interdigitation is
not as much of a factor as in a shorter muzzled dog so extra
teeth don't cause a problem.

Figure 9. dentition
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Teeth

Big spaces mean you must know the count, not assume that the
long spacing means a missing tooth. An easy count for premolars
is three on the top, four on the bottom, between the canine and
the first large tooth, which is actually the 4th premolar on
the top and is a proper molar on the bottom. Since the fourth
premolar on the top is so different looking than the others due
to its huge size, it is easier in the counting process not to
call it a premolar.

Large numbers of missing teeth became a problem in the 60's.
The standard was changed to try and correct that in 1972. Unfortunately
the wording "missing teeth shall be penalized," gives
an undue emphasis to teeth over other parts of the dog and puts
one in the position of fault judging. Missing teeth are not a
significant problem now, as breeders tend to take care of things
on the breeding end. Think of it as one point in a whole dog.
The Borzoi has to get to the wolf FIRST! If you watch the breed
regularly, you will see that there is a much greater need for
improvement in the "getting to the wolf" department
than there is in holding the wolf.

Ears are "small and fine". Fine means thin ear leather.
"Lying back on the neck in repose" means a rose ear
when relaxed, not hanging like a flap. "Tips almost touching
behind occiput when thrown back" is usually only when the
dog is panting or posturing. "Raised when at attention"
does not specify how the ears are to be raised. A semi-pricked
ear off to the side is typical at mild attention, but ALL Borzoi
will raised their ears to full prick when very excited. The most
correct, high set, small and fine ears will prick the easiest
but heavier, lower set ones will do so as well. So to ask a dog
to make ears really tells you nothing that you can judge on according
to the Standard, and a breeder-judge never asks for it.

Eyes are to be "set obliquely" which means at an
angle to the sides of the head. "Dark" means dark brown,
not dark blue, gray or green. Borzoi eyes should be large and
almond shaped, (Figure 6) NEVER small
and piggy. But by the same token, they should not be round, full
or staring. A Borzoi is neither a Collie nor a Spaniel. Prominent
haws are very undesirable. Black haws would be great, but only
one dog in a hundred will have two black haws and it is very
difficult to get dark haws in a breed that carries so much white.

Figure 10.a. light eyes; b. prominent haws
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Badeyes

The head is evenly balanced with the inner corner of the eye
halfway between the nose and the occiput. A longer muzzle is
usually a weak muzzle. Eye rims dark presumes black to match
the nose, but there is some variation in depth of pigment. Missing
eye pigment is certainly not desirable, but you must determine
if it affects express much. Since it is cosmetic, once again
think of it as one point in a whole dog. The Standard is silent
on the subject of lip pigment. Breeders all prefer full lip pigment
but it is not mentioned in the Standard and once more it is a
minor cosmetic item.

figure 11. dark haws, black pigment
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Pigment

So now you have a lot of notes about details of head. Even
the worst Borzoi head is not going to be mistaken for another
breed, but we do not want to aim for the lowest common denominator.
In judging the head, just be careful not to make it the primary
focus of type.

Figure 12. A variety of pleasing heads
Ruski hrt,  Borzoi, Russian wolfhound, RUSSKAYA PSOVAYA BORZAYA Morehead
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